Marine Planning & Governance
Traditionally the marine and maritime sectors have been characterised by the absence of a coordinated planning and governance, as opposed to what happens onshore where coordinated regulations and planning have been in place for many years - e.g., land use planning, mining exploitation concessions and natural protected areas. However, in the last few years some EU initiatives, such the Maritime Policy, Maritime Spatial Planning, and Integrated Coastal Protection Management as well as the Marine Strategy Framework and Water Framework Directives (via consideration of impacts of MRE on the targets of good environmental/ecological status) are driving the need for more coordinated planning of the marine and coastal space. Integration of different resources uses is crucial to ensuring a sustainable development. Within this wide field, PRIMaRE partners have developed expertise on the application and development of the following research areas:
- Cumulative impacts
- Ecosystem services and natural capital valuation
- Life-cycle planning
- Multi use of marine resources
- Public and stakeholder attitudes
- Regional and national economic impacts
- Stakeholder engagement
- Spatial planning
- Underestimated trade-offs
Marine Planning & Governance research in PRIMaRE
- The Marine Policy Research Group at the University of Exeter
- The Centre for Marine Conservation and Policy Research (MarCoPol) at the University of Plymouth
- The Maritime and Logistics, Business and Policy Group (MLBP) at the University of Plymouth
- The Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre (MBERC) at the University of Plymouth
- The Energy for Development Research Group at the University of Southampton
- The Cities and Infrastructure Research Group at the University of Southampton
- The Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)